Art Of Conquest Races
Trevor 89, Would like to seeI have enjoyed this game for about 1 and 1/2 years. The game provides many hours of enjoyment each day. I have met many new friends as well. I do not have many complaints about AoC. While I make the statements below, I have to say I will enjoy many more years of game play on AoC.One thing that could improve is the battles against dragons, golems or other large creatures.
Download Art of Conquest and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. CHOOSE from five mighty races to raise your army. CONTROL.
When attacking them you have to reduce the amount of Hit Points (HP) they have. This is shown by how many bars they loose. However, if you attack and they do not loose an entire bar then it is like that damage never happened. I think that if you take out 5.5 of 8 bars of HP in one attack then when the next attack begins the creature should only have 2.5 bars of HP instead of 3 bars.The only other thing that I would like to see, and I am sure many others that play daily would agree, is a way to even out the amount of money English speaking players spend for items versus the amount Chinese players spend. For instance if a Chinese player spends the equivalent of $10 for items, an English speaking player has to spend $100 to get the same amount of items. This discrepancy really alienated many English speaking players because of the difficulty when they try to compete to win battles/events.
Devin6969, Fun but with some issues.The gameplay mechanics are excellent. It keeps me active when I got time to spend. However there is a lot of present issues that leave a base taste in my mouth. The first thing is the hero’s. I understand you need to make money however making it take more than a 100 dollars to get one hero is a big problem.
All hero’s should have a chance to be found in the void. Make it a random chance even if the percentile is low. It would give more things for a player to grind for.
The second thing is the stronghold and city system. A required power is kind of a load of garbage. If your gonna have it the numbers should be greatly reduced. Once a person reaches lvl 14 or higher you a expected to have more than half your troops be gold. Which kinda makes grinding army’s up impossible when you gold max is never that high in the first place.
I’m going to 3 Star this game because I greatly want to see improvements. I will change my rating in the future if these issues get better or worse.
P.S- finding English people is way to difficult.Edit- so I replayed it with a friend for a while, and the same issues are present but worse as prices seem to have been increased, Keeping American and Chinese servers desperate for example could help mitigate the problem, as they tend to be able to advance faster and cheaper. Developer Response,Greetings Commander, thanks for your feedback. We will do our best to optimize the settings in game and will create more easy for players to get their favorite hero. If you have any suggestions or problems, welcome to contact us via in game support.
We are willing to help you.GM-Tony. Questions Questions Questions, Amazing game but I have questionsI am really enjoying this game, but I have some questions. Mass destruction persona 3.
I think that the best way to progress through this game is to expand your army. And the best way to do that is by getting new heros. So that’s what I’m trying to do.
First I tried to rank up but The next rank said that I had to either upgrade my castle to level 9 or move out of the capital. I don’t feel like upgrading my castle so I want to do the other thing. The problem is that I don’t know how to move out of the capital. Could you write back telling me how to do this? My other question is about the void. I know that entering the void can get you more heros, which is what I want to do. But when I tried to enter it it said that my stronghold had to be level 9.
But I don’t even know what my stronghold is. Could you tell me what this is if you write back?
So those are my 2 questions about art of conquest. I just want to say that this is on of the best games I’ve ever played and I would be really happy if you could write back answering my questions. I love this game and I highly recommend it. Keep up the good work! Developer Response,Hi Commander, we are so glad you love our game, This is my answer for your question,first,if you want to move out of the capital,you need join a house, then find the city on the map that is occupied by that house, and then go in.secondly, actually The stronghold's level is the same as the level of castle,if you have any questions or suggestions, you can find us on our Facebook(Art of Conquest),It will be very appreciated.
We’ve talked a bit about that Art of Conquest has experienced over the past couple of years in our updated game review. There, we promised to come back with more information on the current balance between races in AoC and we mean to deliver.We also want to give you a crash course on leveling your heroes as fast as possible, since they are crucial to every army composition nowadays.
Fortunately, both aspects of the game are thoroughly approachable by all players, free and pay to play alike; although the former will find the task to be somewhat grind-heavy. Tips for Hero ExperienceFirst and foremost, you should rush to get Elena at all costs. It will take some time to open all those chests, but we guarantee she is well worth the effort. Aside from being an extraordinary commander due to her Strategic Retreat and Magic Resistance, she will also be the fastest hero you grow to the max level.The reason for this is her Ready and Willing passive, which greatly increases the amount of experience she gains.

You’ll want to have at least one Hero Set where you max RW to profit from this mechanic. If it’s not a critical confrontation you’re looking to brave, then switch over to this build and have her grow as fast as possible. At level 9, she’ll get a full 120% more experience from all sources.Also, whenever you use an exp card, its value will be significantly increased by her passive ability. Since she’ll be a bit weaker with maxed out RW, make sure to also level Magic Resistance in the same spec. This will enable you to go for world events that give out bonus resources and experience and have her level outstandingly fast without even using cards.If you’re working with a Mage or Sage, like Vega, Vallari, or Gan, there’s an item you can craft that will boost their progression: the Magister’s Rod. It’s not as effective as Elena’s passive, but its impact is big enough to be worth the bother. You can get the blueprint for it at any point, from the Royal Archive, although crafting it won’t be possible very early on.Even though the item says it only enhances battle experience, it seems that the Rod also works on cards.
So, if there’s a particular hero you’re looking to level, this will get you more bang for your buck, so to speak.Lastly, Yip can be just as impactful as Elena when you’re levelling a core group of heroes. His Enlightenment skill is, in fact, similar to Elena’s passive.
However, instead of improving his own experience gain by a lot, this ability will increase all friendly heroes’ experience gain when he joins them on the battlefield. Many years ago when i was younger. At level 9, Yip will give everyone 30% more experience, which, if you think about it, can actually increase the growth of your core group of units by a lot.
Art of Conquest RacesAt this point, the devs from Lilith Games have managed to balance out the 5 races quite neatly. You can play your favorite stronghold and still be decent in all aspects of the game. Of course, each has their own advantages and disadvantages, but it’s nice to know that you can, for once, follow your heart. For example, we immediately switched to Sylvan as soon as we could, despite the fact that it’s to do so at this point in the game.To help you make your decision, here’s the skinny on each faction: HumanYour starter race.
Their upper-hand is their versatility, so if you know who or what you’re up against, there’s a good chance you can prepare your battlefield in a way that gives you the advantage. You can clear high levels of Void Mirror easily if you know what you’re doing, but you might sometimes get steamrolled in PvP. Word out on the street is that they’ll be receiving a major buff really soon. DwarvesHistorically speaking, Dwarves are not that great. They can do a lot of burst damage in a short amount of time, but tend to fall off heavily when combat lasts for longer than expected.
Their base defense was recently buffed, so winning with them in PvE and PvP can be done, but you need to have the right heroes and strategies up your sleeve. You’ll unlock them in less than a day’s worth of play, once you get to Knight rank.LichThey’re the ones that usually do quite well in PvP since their only weakness seems to be the Rakans. The core mechanic of this race is to overwhelm your enemy with as many soldiers as possible. Mummies can bring new troops and you can also resurrect dead ones from the battlefield to join your ranks, which makes them an alluring choice for many.
Veteran players swear by their honor you can pretty much win any PvP matchup if you’re good enough, mainly due to the additional strength of Awakened Scorpions. RakanUntil the recent nerf, Rakan were, by far, the strongest race you could have hoped for.
They’re still quite amazing, but they won’t pack the punch they once used to. To be able to take advantage of their benefits, you need to know every other alliance well, so don’t switch over unless you’re a veteran and you absolutely know what you’re doing. They excel at helping others, as their Dragon Turtles are a massive addition to any races’ army, and they are a force to be reckoned with in PvP.SylvanOur current race. Alongside the Rakan, Sylvans are one of the most popular choices right now because many hold the belief they’re the best in the current meta.
Riders and Mushroom Lords can deal a lot of damage, while Treant Spirits can take a massive beating. This makes them incredibly useful in both PvE and PvP scenarios, given the right heroes. Hint: go for Gan as soon as possible.
He’ll increase the health of all your troops and much more.With this in mind, you are now ready to level your heroes and choose the race that fits you best. Although some races were overpowered in the past, the devs made sure to balance them out quite neatly through a series of buffs and nerfs. We greatly appreciate their work, as we are firm believers in being able to play with a faction that you like and still be good.