Little Misfortune Trailer

They did a helluva job with this. Okay, it's no Heat, per se. But, it did have 'Waingro' (Kevin Gage) from Heat. Gage nails the 'bad guy' persona again and really pushes this movie up in the rating. The rest of the acting was okay - no Academy Award acting. But, I give a lot of credit to all the actors who really did well enough to make this a very enjoyable film to watch, full of excitement, anticipation, and thrills. Jenna Kanell - WOW!

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Not only is she gorgeous (those eyes!!!), she is an amazing human being. Check out her movie 'Bumblebees' about her brother. I saw that about a year ago. I have much respect for this young lady - she's amazing. Desmond Devenish really did an exeptional job putting this movie together, and acting the lead role - much respect to him, too!

Along with the rest of the actors/crew, he really did a fine job establishing mood & thrills. This is a fine movie to watch if you are in the mood for some thrills, a decent story, and a bit of violence/payback/treasure/Southwest Desert.

Coming on SEPTEMBER 18, 2019.Steam.Gog.Origin: Info coming soon.Humble Store.Little Misfortune is an interactive story, focused on exploration and characters, both sweet and dark, where your choices have consequences.Starring Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez, an imaginative 8-year-old, who seeks the prize of Eternal Happiness, as a gift to her Mommy. Led by her new friend, Mr.

Could Misfortune be calling on some sort of protector?-One scene in the trailer shows Misfortune sitting at the table with her mother, who seems to be wearing a skeleton-like mask, and a life-sized figure made of hay and sticks. This could represent Misfortune's father, who is not seen anywhere in the trailer. Here's the full trailer for Little Misfortune from the Steam release followed by the new mobile trailer.