Ant Radio Service Samsung

Ant Radio Service SamsungAnt

Mar 19, 2020  What is Ant Radio Service? Ant radio is very much similar to the system components that enable other forms of wireless connectivity on your mobile device (Wi-Fi, NFC) unless you start an app that requires ANT wireless communication, it will not run or use system resources.

I noticed on my phone that the battery drain just felt too damn high compared to my S5.So I started mucking about and disabling things then testing for a hour or two.These two specific services/apps since being disabled 1 hour ago - 99% total battery. Iwould have been a solid 93-95% by now othewise.I think they are constantly scanning for devices regardless of me using them or not.All tests were done the same - full charge, disable features, reboot, then let the phone sit.I've since used my phone in my car and bluetooth streaming worked fine, so far no negative side effects. Two dots over a vowel. I disabled all the stock stuff I don't use as long as I knew what it was (so only apps, for the most part, I didn't disable things like ANT service).I have 2 google accounts hooked up, but only sync email on the second account, and disabled sync for services I never use (e.g. Books).Note that when I'm losing 2.1-2.5% on standby, I'm at home where signal is consistently the same (not great, but doesn't change much) and I have a very solid wifi connection that's not flaky at all. I'm at a desk for 8 hours working, so not much change in quality there. That may make a big difference.