Arma 3 Zeus

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Arma 3 Zeus (Free DLC) is a new form of multiplayer, where improvisation is the key to success. Assume the role of game master and influence the multiplayer experience of others. Magna carta: the phantom of avalanche. Wielding a real-time editor, you can invent new stories and challenges. Jul 23, 2016  Description: Arma 3 Zeus is a new form of multiplayer where improvisation is the key to success. Inspired by popular tabletop games such as 'Dungeons & Dragons', this free DLC for Arma 3 enables you to assume the role of Zeus, a game master with the ability to curate the multiplayer experience of others.

Contents OverviewPromotional artworkWhen activated in a mission, it allows players to assume the position of 'Zeus'. While playing as Zeus, one can place almost every object, structure, and AI unit available via the in real-time.Objectives can also be created or removed instantly for all sides, and the scenario's settings (time of day, weather, etc.) can be modified on the go.

Players are also able to 'call' upon Zeus to aid them at the press of a button.Multiplayer-based Game Master scenarios for each faction were also included, which range from co-operative to player versus player deathmatch and Sector Control missions.