Clash Of Kings Hero Placement

How can I support bigcitymama (greece), 15:17Author: bigcitymama (greece), 15:14Author: grizlis, 14:36Author: marcel33 (Poland), 13:58Author: tramarcel33 (Poland), 10:20Author: And and z (Timisoara), 02:02Author: chris reed (Wellington), 23:04Author: Rost (Moscow,Russia), 19:38Author: lt4 (France), 17:59Author: Adrian, 17:39Heroes3 - Your opinions about Clash of Kings - map rating = 9.50 (10 - The best) Title:Type your opinion in the space below:Your name:E-mail:Your vote:City, Country:(Example: Moscow, Russia)Attach the picture: (Gif, Jpeg). Heroes 3 maps: Author: Arch0Gabriel (Brno, Czech republic), 12:51 +9Great - Clash of KingsI was very satisfied with this map. But I missed grailAuthor: abc, 11:44nice map, but unbalanced - Clash of KingsMap would be great for multiplayer game. In SP AI is rahter dumb, it's not hard to make 5-6 armies, each one as strong as (or stroger than) enemy main army.


Clash of Kings Buildings. Buildings have different roles and functions in the game like training troops, housing your resources, research for advancement, etc. Below are the types of buildings and their functions: Castle – the most important building in the game. Mar 11, 2018  Clash of Kings - Hero Recruitment + New Heroes!! - Duration: 14:50. Willbender 6,152 views. 10 Scientifically Impossible Places That Actually Exist - Duration: 11:00.


Iron man 3 the official game cheats walkthrough. Your main hero will literally slaughter everyone and everything after couple of weeks. AI will loose half of it's starting heroes in ambushes.Some houses are screwed from the beginnig and some has huge bonuses- like Lannister and Baratheon.I like the idea of bonus gold for holding the capital city, lack of travel spells and mines placement.More balance and it would be great map. Now it's too easy for some houses and extremely hard for the other.SPOILERDitry tricks are available- like (almost) blocking the whole North with one hero placed in sanctuary./SpoilerAuthor: nillu (Gdynia, Poland), 12:51great but not perfect - Clash of KingsGenerally - the map is great mostly for it's design, map correctness and good atmosphere.Regardless of balance issues that were already mentioned, following things could be repaired in some upgrade (please!?):1. Heroes in taverns randomness - heroes in taverns are too random and exept the starting ones they just ruin the whole picture. Maybe it would be better to acquire heroes from prisons on the map and block taverns (or allow taverns with limited heroes only in some places like Harrenhall, Stoney Sept and King's Landing)2. Too quiet in the north. Maybe it would be better if Boltons would be present in Dreadfort (somehow blocked in the beginning from Starks), and Riverrun was neutral?Author: page (Torun, Poland), 23:46Great design, not so great balanceMap design (forests, mountain ranges, special buildings, dwellings etc.) is very good.

You won't find empty, desolate spaces here. There are lots of wandering monsters guarding piles of resources (specifically in the north) and artifacts.The only concern is, as usual, balance. House Tully stinks - I rate Fortress as a very good and playable town (especially with upg Reptilion damage), but their starting position is tragic and they don't have anything to make up for it. Riverrun turns into revolving door of new owners. Arryn is better, but not by much.

On the other hand we have insanely powerful Tyrell (statue of legions right from the beginning) and Lannister with 5+ gold mines. Overkill.I would try to balance things out, make starting heroes less developed (as well as starting towns) and give more wood/ore mines in easy to reach places (esp for Baratheon). Some starting artifacts are well done (admiral hat for navy factions is a must), but I guess we don't need SoL for Tyrell nor Shackles of War for Stark. One more thing: while I dig your idea of ambushes (great connection to source material), I've seen CPU losing his best heroes because of them. Maybe it'd be better idea to seal off ambush areas with very strong guards (like Kingswood, but even more powerful)?Anyways, 9/10, very good map with nice design, awesome ASoiaF references and brilliant text inside, but I recommend tweaking it to your tastes.Author: Kanellia (Athens, Greece), 20:12Not balancedToo many ambushes with too strong enemies! Good idea and beautiful map but too unbalanced for my taste!Author: Tyrion (warszawa, Poland), 21:20ImpLOL, The House Lannister IS the most powerfull at the begining, only Renly has comparable strebgthAuthor: Pedro (Buenos-Aires), 23:47for rookies.450 in 32 days. Red player is very strong.

From the second week it was pure genocide. I recommend this map for beginners, because the map is very easy. I suggest to put some strong garrisons between kingdoms. I didn't vote because it wasn't challenging o interesting for me.Author: Robert (Warszawa, Polska), 17:37SkalpeldfdfdfdfAuthor: Ben Ginat, 09:48GogThe story of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' is not a balanced one. If you play multiplayer with friends the weaker player must do that they did in the book in order to win - ally.Author: Gog, 12:00Why my vote didnt appear?VOTE NOT WORK!!Author: Gog, 11:59Not balancedI like balanced map for multiplayer game. This one sux!Author: Ben Ginat, 20:39MiroI would love to read you opinionBenGinat@gmail.comAuthor: Miro (Bulgaria), 13:06HmmmI'm interested to see how the awesome story of 'A Song of Ice and Fire' is incorporated into Heroes 3.:)Author: crys (romania), 22:00 +10goodgoodAuthor: Big-J (Jorden), 08:11Very niceThe maps looks wonderfull, but the Red player s too strongAuthor: German (Latinoamerica Argenyina), 20:59DiverridoDivertido con algunas sorpresas.