Dragon Ball Xenoverse Wiki

Android 18 is the only playable android in both Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai and Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road, having an original story in Shin Budokai where she defeats Freeza, who intended to kidnap her so she could assist him in his acquiring of the Dragon Balls on Namek and has her programming to terminate Goku erased after. Royal Lineage Cold Judgment Messenger from the Future Xenoverse Shattering the Limit Prepared for Battle. Hybrid Saiyans Time Travelers Vegeta's Family Bond of Master of Disciple. Raises ATK & DEF by 50% for 1 turn. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community.
Contents Gameplay RosterIn total, 68 characters are playable. Android 16. Android 17. Android 18. Appule. Bardock.
Beerus. Broly. Burter. Captain Ginyu. Imperfect Cell. Cell. Cell Jr.
Cooler. Cooler (Final Form). Metal Cooler. Frieza (First Form). Frieza (Final Form).
Frieza (Golden). Guldo. Gogeta. Kid Gohan. Teen Gohan.
Adult Gohan. Great Saiyaman. Gohan (Future). Goku. Goku (Super Saiyan God).
Goku (SSGSS). Goku (GT). Goku (Super Saiyan 4). Gogeta. Goten.
Gotenks. Hit. Jaco. Janemba. Jeice.
Kid Buu. Krillin. Lord Slug. Majin Buu. Majin Vegeta. Masked Saiyan.
Mira. Mr. Satan.
Nail. Nappa. Pan. Piccolo. Raditz. Raspberry. Recoome.
Saibaman. Eis Shenron.
Nuova Shenron. Omega Shenron. Super 17.
Super Buu. Tien. Towa. Trunks (Future). Trunks (Kid). Trunks (GT). Trunks (Super).
Turles. Vegeta. Vegeta (SSGSS). Vegeta (Super Saiyan 4).
Vegito. Videl. Great Saiyaman No.
2. Whis. Yamcha. ZarbonParallel Quests PlotThe plot of this game sort of takes place after the original Dragon Ball Xenoverse with the player becoming a Time Patroller that works directly with the Supreme Kai of Time.
The player then goes to key events in the Dragon Ball Z history to solve various corruptions in the timeline. Eventually, the player finds the cause of the corruption, Towa and Mira, who have been recruiting people from across the timeline to take in energy. Trunks and his partner, the protagonist from the first Xenoverse game, come to help the player at various points, leading to a climatic fight against Towa and Mira in the end.In addition, the Nintendo Switch version of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 includes the Time Patrol storyline from the first Xenoverse game as a limited time bonus.Reception.
Contents Overview Demon Realm raceMain article:comes from and is a king of the. It is a dimension separate from the main universe, located on the opposite side of their dimension, like the bottom side of a coin (more specifically, Daizenshuu 7 and the Super Exciting Guide books show it as being in the little pointy tip at the bottom of the snow globe that is the cosmos).While Goku is training for the 22nd, he visits a village located near the Demon Realm Gate, which is a portal to the Demon Realm. Evil beings from the Demon Realm come out of this gate and torment the village, and most recently, the martial arts master of the Demon Realm, has kidnapped, so Goku goes to the Demon Realm and rescues her.Towa, a female member of the Demon Realm raceis the sister of and is a brilliant scientist from Demon Realm. Her creation is an who is primarily made up of DNA from the Demon Realm race, though is also known to possess DNA from several other species. They have a son named, who will have a big influence on the world when he grows up.There is no real name for Dabura and the other inhabitants of the Demon Realm. Daizenshuu 7's character dictionary simply lists Dabura and Shula as being of the ' Demon Realm Race' ( 魔界の種族, Makai no Shuzoku ). DevilsMain article:Spike, the most notable DevilIn Dragon Ball, Devils (悪魔 Akuma) are a race indigenous to and the most notable being, the strongest of 's fighters before Grandpa Gohan appears.
Daizenshuu 7 slightly expands on this by noting that 'devil' is not a general term for Hell's life-forms, but just designates Devilman's specific hellish race.Devils appear as enemies in. One specific Devil is named. They work for the, with Psidevilman as a high-ranking member.Demon ClansMain article: Demon Clans ( 魔 ま 族 ぞく, Mazoku )—alternatively referred to as Evil Tribes—refer to several groups of evil aliens that appear in the Dragon Ball series. To be a Demon Clansman you must be pure evil, and Demon Clansmen possess certain properties that their race does not normally have—notably King Piccolo and his offspring possessed abilities that other Namekians did not, such as the ability to completely destroy a and stop people's spirits from going to Other World by forcing them to remain to dwell in the living realm. King Piccolo was also able to, and Lord Slug and his clan were shown to have developed a weakness to sunlight. However, if someone loses their pure evil attribute, they will cease to be a Demon Clansman, as displayed by, who loses his Demon Clan status by the time of the battle with.Demon GodsDemon God DemigraThe main antagonist of the movie, is given the title of Majin ( 魔神, Majin ), though he is also mentioned to be a in the English version, and is also referred to as being a Devil.
Note that this is a different kind of Majin from Buu's race, since the second kanji means 'god', instead of 'person'.was once a Demon God before he was transformed into a Phantom Majin by the Kashvar wizards.The main antagonist of, is also referred to as a ( Majin). The game reveals that he turned into this state after gathering enough. Demigra is also noted to be the God of the. Mechikabura turns numerous members of the Demon Realm race into Demon Gods. Known Demons Demon Gods. Users of the transformation.
– A vampiric demonic deity and a Demon King who rules over Devil's Castle with an army of Ogres. Appears as the main antagonist of the movie Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle. – In his original form Hirudegarn was a Demon God who was worshiped on planet Konats.Main article:Main article: Other DemonsSpring Guardian and Spring Majin in Attack of the Saiyans. – Flame-made demons who appear in Attack of the Saiyans.
The three types are Evil Flame, Demon Flame, and Furnace Flame. – Short demons who appear in Attack of the Saiyans. The three types are Demon Denizen, Demon Mystic, and Demon Noble.
People influenced by the. A Demon who was sealed in an egg by.King Piccolo's Demon Clan. (leader). Banjo. Organ. Harp.
Mandolin. Bell. Marimba. Monopoly deal cards. Viola. Konga. Maraca. Other unnamed Demon Clan Namekians.Dark NamekiansMain article:Main article:Fiends ( 魔物, Mamono, lit.
'Demonic Things'). – The blood rubies turn him into a demonic creature through a transformation. – Appears in the movie Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle.
Created from pure evil energy. ' Your fighting style is remarkably close to that of a demon. Could you be one of that of a demon. Could you be one of those legendary creature, in the flesh? I have heard of all the planets you've destroyed- you are evil incarnate! I never thought I would ever meet a Majin! Join my army and make it more powerful than ever before!'
Whats new is some stuff is added to the FAQ. I also defeated the Earth Mage.May 14, 2006: The Dark Sage was defeated.May 15, 2006:Light Sage Defeated.May 26, 2006:I just got the trio runes, and started the dragon quests.June 8, 2006: I beat the game. I sadly lost a lot of data.So I will now continue to update thisguide now. Lost magic ds walkthrough. I started over.September 7, 2006: I had to completely erase, and re install everything on mycomputer.
— Lord Slug welcoming the Majin Future Warrior into his army inWhile training them as an Instructor Lord Slug is at first unable to tell the Majin Future Warrior's race and fails to recognize their demonic origin. However after watching them fight he notes their fighting style is close to that of a demon and realizes they are a Majin whom he states are legendary creatures of demonic origin. He had heard stories of all the planets destroyed by the original Majin Buu (whom Lord Slug mistakenly believes is the Majin Future Warrior unaware they are a descendant of the Good Majin Buu who inherited the power of Kid Buu which they can access via their Pure Majin form) and states he never thought he would ever encounter a Majin. Pleased by this revelation, he welcomes them to join his army pleased to add their legendary demonic power to its ranks.
' Worlds the demons control are dictated by one rule, and one rule alone-only the strong survive! Fwa ha ha ha ha! That's the only true way of life! The weak must be culled from the herd while the strong live on!
That's how you build a world with only the strongest warriors!' — Lord Slug explaining how demons rule planets inHe notes that worlds that demons control are dictated by one rule, and one rule alone-only the strong survive as the weak must be culled from the herd while the strong live on which is how one builds a world with only the strongest warriors. This explains why denizens of demonic worlds like and are such powerful fighters as weaker demons are presumably weeded out by the stronger ones (it would also explain why demons like Garlic Jr. Hoped to make someone like the pure hearted Gohan his subordinate in Dead Zone as he only spared Gohan as he was strong and had great potential, likely believing that the boys pure heart could be corrupted at least before he recognized Gohan as a threat). Lord Slug also notes that weaker demons cannot survive in the light without helmet and armor which he notes almost brings sympathy to his cold, dead heart presumably referring to his army as Lord Slug himself can handle being on both Namek, Earth, and Conton City without bring effected negatively by sunlight (as he does not wear his helmet in Xenoverse 2). ' Your heart may not be forged from pure evil, but you possess unusual strength for a Namekian.
Even if your a warrior-type, I would not expect such power! You could have endless potential! Oh, you are a very interesting case indeed! I dare say I like you!' — Lord Slug noting the Namekian Future Warrior is not pure evil inLord Slug notes that the Namekian Future Warrior is not pure evil like himself and that they possess unusual power even for a Warrior-type and even suspects they have endless potential (which is potentially true as Guru draws out the warrior's potential several times and the warrior can also acquire through completing the final Advancement Test under Elder Kai) and he finds them to be an interesting case.
' Seems to me Namekians and Majin fight pretty well together. Are you sure you're not part Majin? You cannot master what I have taught you unless evil resides within you! Fwa ha ha ha! There is no need to act righteous! Not all Namekians have to be good, you know!'
— Lord Slug talking to the Namekian Future Warrior inLord Slug claims that most of his techniques are demonic in nature (though this is debatable as one of the Super Skills he teaches is can be utilized by Goku) and that one cannot master them unless evil resides within them. He also notes Majin and Namekians fight pretty well together and even wonders if the Namekian Future Warrior is part Majin. ' I can hardly believe you managed to learn all of my techniques! Hahhh ha ha ha ha!
The seeds of a powerful dark force were planted in you after all! Or, you at least have a strong enough constitution to prevent the power of demons from tearing your body to shreds!'