Terraria 2020
A Non-Player Character (NPC ) is an automated character that provides a service to players. They are a kind of reward for achieving certain feats in Terraria, such as collecting items, defeating bosses, and exploration. Most NPCs are vendors, selling items in exchange for coins, and vice versa. Exceptions are the Guide, Nurse, Old Man, and Angler. A player can utilize NPCs by standing near.
PlayStation 4, XBOX ONE, Nintendo Switch - PIPEWORKSHello Terrarians!A quick update for you on Terraria for consoles! You may have noticed that we combined Playstation 4, XBOX ONE, and Nintendo Switch together this month - that is by design, because we are on the road to version parity!Content-wise, the Nintendo Switch team has caught up with PS4/X1 and they're now working on the same updates for different platforms. More specifically, the team has been working at 2 big updates: A full Korean Localization for Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch, and porting the PC 1.3.5 content.We're just waiting on a few more localizations before the Korean localization is integrated and ready to review. The 1.3.5 Update is currently being tested by our quality assurance team on PS4/X1 and Switch before we submit to Re-Logic for a quality check, and then submission to first party for release. After those patches are released, we're looking forward to working on additional bugs reported by the community, and put in some very focused work on Split-screen and local wireless for the Nintendo Switch.No timeline on the release for anything stated, but stay tuned for more info!
To help ease the wait, we have included at least one perhaps long-awaited spoiler below! As you can see from the video we’ve got control banners in and functioning in game and we’re about 90% of the way there, though certainly the last 10% is where all the perfecting and testing comes in. In the last couple months we’ve been busy building on the controller foundations to get a really solid feel for where mobile needs to be, and this has also informed the direction we’ll be taking with the customization side of the update (which we will tackle once we get controller locked down). Here are some fun things behind the scenes. PC - RE-LOGICHappy 2020 everyone!The Re-Logic dev team has hit the ground running at a furious pace in the new year. Seriously, some of the stuff that is being worked on right now is beyond cool (maybe you will get to hear more about it in the future.
Or maybe it will be a surprise ) and we know will be appreciated by players everywhere. We already showed off the new Pogo Stick on the first Weekly Official Terraria Stream (for more information about this weekly streaming series, check out the community section below) - but in case you missed it, we have included it below for your viewing pleasure. The problem with making items to make it easier to approach is that balance dies.Like, say Master Wall of Flesh drops more powerful versions of its items. Why look for Uzi or make a Megashark if you have a souped-up Clockwork Assault Rifle fulfilling the same role? Why bother using a weaker weapon when it's balanced around other weapons to make it easier to approach?You become deadlocked into balancing around the exclusive loot and other items get left behind.Item variety is lost, and the game is worse for it.It's a similar problem with Worm Scarf in Expert.
Many people treat Demon Heart as just getting a dedicated slot for your Worm Scarf. My two cents on Master Mode:I'm perfectly okay with it not introducing new weapons or accessories. No reason to introduce things that make a harder mode easier.However, Cenx did mention other kinds of exclusive drops. If those will be vanity or other forms of decoration, I'm all for that.
That's enough to get me to play it outside my first run of it, because I like the customization aspect of Terraria a whole lot.However (part 2), I would like it if Master Mode wasn't just another stat boost to all enemies. Turning enemies into oneshotting bullet sponges sounds like artificial difficulty and makes progress more of a slog than Expert Mode can sometimes be.If there's other ways to make it harder, such as new enemy/boss AI, or special types of worldgen like more/unique traps and hazards, then that would be a breath of fresh air.I just don't want to see Master Mode become 'Everything bad about Expert but somehow worse' mode.I know that Re-Logic still has plenty of things yet unseen that we'll discover when the update eventually drops. They haven't disappointed me with any past updates and I don't think that's going to start this time either. About Master Mode: I have to agree with the consensus, it really needs its own content and balancing if there's going to be much point for it. Otherwise we might as well just unequip our armor and pretend that's equally legit.Expert Mode was cool because it added better items, yet I always felt it could do with more. Well in my specific case, it was an extra accessory slot, so it doesn't really affect weapon variety much if at all.That said, they could maybe add some hard to obtain item that allows you to empower an item to bring it near the level of the end-game items to actually increase item variety and that could change up the gameplay without trivializing it.
That way if there was an item you really liked in early-game, you could maybe use it end game too. It would also give you more end-game farming if you were crazy enough to try and empower every weapon.
Upcoming features policy:. Jawbreaker tour. Any and all upcoming features must be sourced to a Re-Logic staff posting. Unsourced information, or information purportedly leaked from other sources, will be removed.
Future features and changes should remain confined to this page, and to articles dedicated solely to future items. They should not be added to articles on current features. Graphics officially released by Re-Logic staff, or images cut from them, can be uploaded.

Unreleased graphics purportedly leaked from other sources may be Re-Logic intellectual property, and/or may be unreliable, and will be deleted. Original player artwork depicting future items will also be deleted, unless it is solely for personal use in User: space.
Contents.Journey's End (1.4) 'Terraria: Journey's End', the fourth and last major update of Terraria, is currently under development. While originally announced to be released in 2019, it is now currently planned to be released on Terraria's 9th birthday, May 16, 2020. Until June 10, 2019, it was announced to be released as 1.3.6.It will include a re-visit of all elements of Terraria. Things that may have felt outdated or obsolete due to the introduction of newer content will be renewed and new elements will be included in order to 'flesh out the overall experience', including over 800 new items.On the official Terraria Discord server, mentioned that 1.4 will have 'a form of creative mode'. This mode 'won't just give you everything. It will all need to be earned', unlike traditional creative modes in other games.
Nothing else regarding this feature is publicly known so far. The Town Night spoiler, posted on October 1, 2018. New items.
Several new:. A new weapon named the. It shoots multiple different types of fireworks in a similar fashion to the, but some appear to be affected by gravity. A weapon referred to as the 'new and improved '. Big win basketball videos. Like the, a secondary projectile appears when an enemy is hit with the primary projectile in order to deal extra damage.
A new 'final' sword which surpasses the in power. A new, the desert-themed Storm Spear. A new, the Blood Rain Bow, which shoots down blood-themed from the sky in a straight line. A new, the Quad-Barrel Shotgun, which appears to be similar to the. New world creation menu.Terraria Series Following the release of the, lead developer had moved on to working on another project, though developers and were continuing to update Terraria. Redigit returned to work with the team to develop, and is heavily involved in.A spin-off of Terraria, was under development, until it was cancelled.Redigit stated that he plans to later release, a separate game from the canceled Terraria: Otherworld, although little information is known about the nature or content in the upcoming sequel.References Forums.